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Weekly schedule

RED 25

March 16th - 22nd 2025

Here’s the team of teachers in charge of this year’s courses, with whom you’ll have the opportunity to interact

Sophie Abby

CNRS researcher
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molecular evolution; phylogenetics; comparative genomics; bioinformatics 

Sophie Abby received a bi-disciplinary education in biology and computer sciences. She obtained her PhD from the University of Lyon and made two post-docs at the Pasteur Institute (2010-2014) and at the University of Vienna (2015-2017). In 2017, she obtained a CNRS research position in Grenoble at the TIMC lab. She studies evolutionary biology and is particularly interested in the mechanisms of diversification of archaea and bacteria. She studies these at different scales: from enzymes and metabolic pathways, to cellular machineries and genome dynamics in response to environmental adaptations. She also develops methods in the field of comparative genomics and phylogenomics, in particular for genome annotation.

TIMC lab, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes – Rdpt de la Croix de Vie, 38700 La Tronche
