How to get to RED in-person school

School Address

Réserve Ornithologique du Teich

Rue du Port BP 11 

33470 Le Teich – France

GPS coordinates (latitude – longitude): 44.6402091 / -1.0188124999999673

From Bordeaux (50 km) via the N. 250 main road, or the A 66 motorway, following signs for Bayonne, then the A 630 motorway, following signs for Arcachon.
Le Teich station is on the regional Bordeaux-Arcachon line. There are many departures each day from the large Bordeaux train station to Le Teich station which is a 15-minute walk from the entrance to the reserve.
Bordeaux-Mérignac international airport is located 50 km away. Shuttle buses operate between the airport and Bordeaux train station. From the Bordeaux train station follow the trains directions.