An Astrobiology Introductory Course

Rencontres exobiologiques pour doctorants

RED is a Training School about the “Basics in Astrobiology”. Astrobiology addresses questions related to the origins of life, its evolution, and distribution in the Universe. This school aims to offer an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to students and young researchers having a master’s degree in astronomy, planetology, geology, chemistry, biology, or history and philosophy of science. If you are preparing a thesis or are an early career scientist with a subject related to astrobiology, this training school is for you! Each year, the “in-person” edition of the school is held in March in Le Teich (France). In June, a virtual school with the same program is also organized.

Virtual school program

Weekly schedule (June 10 - 14)

RED 25

March 16th - 22nd 2025

Teachers of the previous year

Daniele Pinti

Back to all teachers

Noble gas geochemistry, hydrothermalism, volcanology, groundwater dating

Daniele L. Pinti is a noble gas isotope geochemist working on numerous subjects related to crustal fluids. He is presently the director of Geotop, one of the largest geoscience-oriented research centers in Canada and professor at the Earth and atmospheric sciences department of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). In 1993 he obtained a PhD at Université de Paris VI for a PhD in noble gas geochemistry applied to oil resources. In 1996, he joined the Earth and Planetary Science group at Osaka University for a post doctorate on Archean Geology, developing nitrogen isotopes as isotopic biomarkers with studies in Western Australia, Greenland, and South Africa. From 1999 to 2004 was assistant professor at the Université de Paris SUD working on K-Ar dating. In 2004 he joined the UQAM where he built a noble gas laboratory. Since 2014, he is actively working on geothermal resources with projects in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Iceland, La Reunion, Hawaii and Japan. He authored more than 100 scientific papers.

Geotop, Centre de recherche sur la dynamique du système Terre – UQAM – Montreal


Animation of the previous virtual school

Astrobiology disciplines


Nucleosynthesis, Star formation and evolution


Interstellar medium, Prebiotic chemistry, Chirality


Evolution, Tree of life, Extremophiles


Meteorites, Early Earth Environment, Traces of life


Exploration, Space missions, Exoplanets

History and philosophy

What is life?
Evolution of ideas

A “complete” RED training is scheduled over 2 years, but each year is self-consistent. You can attend once, or two years in a row. All lectures are in English.

Meet students from all over the world to learn about astrobiology and its most recent developments. Work together on interdisciplinary projects and make new connections. Benefit from the expertise of specialists from all over the world

Get access to the latest scientific results on the origins of life on Earth, and the search for life elsewhere: thanks to the online courses and conferences.